The project included two events on the Futurist Movement that took place in May 2017: "Reflective space" and "Event_Show". Architect Renato Rizzi, professor Marco Maria Tosolini and university students Ludovica Battaglia and Tommaso Piani discussed the historical-cultural dynamics that gave birth to Futurism and the possible similarities with current artistic movements.
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Fare is an association that has created a space of innovation for the promotion of cultural events and activities since 2016. It is a meeting and research place for young people who want to dedicate themselves to transversal professional projects. As a result it is an incubator of ideas, talents and best practices, which sees creative research as the basis for creating new planning models in the visual arts and communication.
In a few years, the cultural association Fare has created a career of project experiences orn from the interaction between scientific and humanistic knowledge. All this by relating School, Companies and Third Sector.
The aim of Fare is to give the world of art and culture an opportunity for social revitalization. In order to do this, the association connects to the cultural, productive and communication worlds through the collaboration between artists, teachers, students, professionals and intellectuals. The idea is realized thanks to the theory and practice of doing (=Fare). Indeed, it is the meta-planning laboratory that leads to the construction of the prototype or the final collective work.
Fare is an association that has created a space of innovation for the promotion of cultural events and activities since 2016. It is a meeting and research place for young people who want to dedicate themselves to transversal professional projects. As a result it is an incubator of ideas, talents and best practices, which sees creative research as the basis for creating new planning models in the visual arts and communication.
In a few years, the cultural association Fare has created a career of project experiences orn from the interaction between scientific and humanistic knowledge. All this by relating School, Companies and Third Sector.
The aim of Fare is to give the world of art and culture an opportunity for social revitalization. In order to do this, the association connects to the cultural, productive and communication worlds through the collaboration between artists, teachers, students, professionals and intellectuals. The idea is realized thanks to the theory and practice of doing (=Fare). Indeed, it is the meta-planning laboratory that leads to the construction of the prototype or the final collective work.

The cultural association Fare identifies itself with “Fare un'Idea” (“To shape an idea”), a project realised through a program started in 2016 that involved some students from schools (between 14 and 19 years old) and universities. Through this experience we have organized a series of conceptual and laboratory activities that are still active and in continuous evolution.

We decided to strengthen the networking of schools and culture, as well as associations and companies, with the territory. This decision was made following the SmArt Lab experience (that is the planning of an innovative classroom-workshop) which involved a small group of teachers and students in the communication and crowdfunding project.
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We have produced a series of analyses and reflections in response to the question about the real existence of the words disobedience and obedience and the limits of both. The reflections were developed through two performances in May 2018: "Art in Freedom review" and "Exhibitions in movement".
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In_Utile is the motto that has accompanied us in a series of creative and productive activities, which began with an installation at Udine Design Week 2019 at the Malignani school and ended with a theatrical performance at the Hangar in Trieste in December 2019.
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This year we have discussed in depth and reflected on the complex theme of spaces. The paradox that our society is experiencing is almost surreal: we have abandoned immense spaces in order to agglomerate in cities or metropolises and in this way the quality of life has decreased, pollution has exceeded the limits and the fragility of the territory has [...]
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Esplorazioni è un ambiente in divenire di esperienze didattiche sperimentali dentro-fuori la Scuola, identificate da un approccio di carattere esperienziale, che ha l’intento di costruire la Conoscenza intesa in senso illimitato, multidisciplinare e non soggetta a valutazione, priva di verticalità tra chi forma e chi è in formazione. [...].
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In omaggio alla Giornata Mondiale dell’Arte, le associazioni Fare e Furclap hanno deciso di regalare al pubblico un’esperienza innovativa: la mostra virtuale “Arché”. Dal 14 aprile 2022 si possono fruire online opere e installazioni artistiche, frutto degli ultimi 10 anni di attività culturali svolte sul territorio nazionale, con la collaborazione di artisti e giovani che gravitano o hanno gravitato nel nostro collettivo. [...].
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La Scuola Altra al Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile
L’incipit è “La Scuola Altra” per una società nuova ed una formazione rivoluzionaria: questa la tematica dell’evento culturale che sarà riproposto negli spazi dell’istituto A. Malignani di Udine, per la 7^ edizione del Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile (promosso dall’Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile, ASviS) con la partnership di The aim of Fare, il 31 maggio 2023, ad ingresso libero. Uno spazio di innovazione didattica sull’Agenda 2030, che punta sul Goal 4 – Istruzione di Qualità.

-16_Una Donna al Giorno
Si sta avvicinando la Giornata internazionale per l’eliminazione della violenza...
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- AddressVia F. di Manzano, 12 - 33100 - Udine
- Telephone348 0458490
- AddressVia F. di Manzano, 12 - 33100 - Udine
- Telephone348 0458490