We decided to strengthen the networking of schools and culture, as well as associations and companies, with the territory. This decision was made following the SmArt Lab experience (that is the planning of an innovative classroom-workshop) which involved a small group of teachers and students in the communication and crowdfunding project.

SmArt Lab is not only a space or an innovative classroom within the Malignani school in Udine, but it is a laboratory of social innovation.Indeed, it is a project that satisfies a new way of doing school. sperimentazione e la creatività

The idea was born by the teacher and architect Ofelia Croatto in 2014. This idea comes from the need to create new learning environments and to use new tools able to increase in the student and in the teacher a worldview that is constantly changing, as well as experimentation and creativity. (Bando PON), dalla campagna di crowdfunding (Be SmArt per creare un Lab), da associazioni culturali, aziende e privati cittadini che hanno condiviso e sostenuto la mission. 

SmArt Lab is is open to the community even outside school hours, promoting social connectivity, creative contamination, circulation of experiences and projects. It has so far been financed by European structural funds (PON call for proposals), by the crowdfunding campaign (Be SmArt to create a Lab), by cultural associations, companies and private citizens who have shared and supported the mission.

It is the result of co-planning work between teachers, students, parents, and other interested stakeholders. It started to take shape through the first structural interventions in spring 2017. The second step was completed in December 2018 through the project called Arte del Colore (Art of Colour) which allowed the restyling and creation of the wall finishes financed by Ivicolors company. All thanks to a group of students coordinated by the contact teacher in an internship project.